Viikatory is renowned for her gritty, fast-paced electro hellfire productions and mixes. We catch up with her in light of the release of Isolated Material.


First and foremost thank you so much for taking the time to put this mix together, can you tell us a little bit about the energy behind this mix, is there anything you would prescribe doing while listening?

I've always liked making energetic mixes that are more feels like a party and that's not bad, but I decided to show another side that I always kept for myself and almost never showed. I love this groove in music that is filled with interesting sounds, reverbs, vocals and slow beats. 

This mix turned out according to my associations in a space style, which will be great to hear on the road or when doing yoga, it was in such cases that I tried it haha

‘Mystery of the Planet’ explores a sound of you lesser seen - Psytrance. Can you tell us the impetus for this shift away from your usual electro/breaks/acid-drenched sound?

I love Goa and Psytrance so much, for me it's music with complex harmony and fast rhythm. I couldn't just listen to it and play it at parties, I needed to know this process from the inside, so I started trying my hand at making trance and I really liked it! 

In the near future I will release a record in this genre! 

Also, when I trying to make a track I never know what will happen, it can be ambient, some electro or trance, it all depends on the emotional state.

You’ve just released “IT'S ALL ABOUT THE COSMIC STUFF" with Mell G’s label Juicy Gang Records with more of your signature electro sound - what’s your favourite track on the EP?

I think it will be the track “Changes” since it was created in just a couple of hours under a great influence of inspiration:)) I also experimented and recorded my vocals in this track, it was my first experience and at that time I was delighted haha


Who are some of your favourite collectives/parties at the moment and why?

There are a lot of great collectives and parties but I was lucky to play at parties from Mechatronica, Fan Fiction, Warning, Raiders ... they all went through very cool emotions and they were more than just parties because they had a very friendly atmosphere :)

What’s next for Viikatory? (Where can we catch you playing/any other exciting side hustles, music or non-music related you’re working on?)

I have set big goals for myself to achieve. There are already a couple of vinyl releases planned for this year, one of which will be very soon on Dance Tracks with Manao.

I will also share a couple of parties for July very soon, one of them will be on July 8th in RSO with Mechatronica <3

Hue & Saturation